We are strengthening the network of professionals caring for families with seriously ill children.
We support practitioners and facilities providing palliative and supportive care to ensure that these services are available at the highest level of quality for those who need them, improving pediatric palliative care in the Czech Republic.

Every moment matters. Everything a family goes through will have an impact on the lives of the family members and the people around them, be it now or in the future.

“We set up the Foundation in order to develop pediatric palliative care in the Czech Republic and to help build the best possible network of services that reflects the needs of families caring for children with serious illnesses.”
Katarína a Ondřej Vlček — Founders
All the money the Vlček Family Foundation receives from its donors goes towards improving pediatric palliative care.
The vast majority of the assets provided to the Foundation by its founders serves as the principal. That money is being invested by financial experts. The Foundation’s operation and programs are only financed from the returns on these investments. This system of perpetual funding ensures the longevity, independence and stability of the Foundation.
Our Values

We pay attention to other people’s needs and we react to them.

We always show respect.

We believe in the power of sharing and cooperation.

We focus on results.

We are always looking for new solutions.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality in everything we do.
The Board of Trustees

Ondřej Vlček
Ondřej Vlček
Since September 2022 Ondřej is the president of Gen Digital, a software company created by a merger between Czech Avast and American NortonLifeLock. In this role, he is globally responsible for products, development, technology, innovation and customer service. Since July 2019 he was CEO of Avast, where he started working during his studies. Ondřej holds a master’s degree in mathematical modelling from the Czech Technical University in Prague and is an internationally recognised expert on cyber security. He has spoken at a number of major conferences including the RSA, Web Summit, Black Hat and SXSW.
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Katarína Vlčková
Katarína Vlčková
Since 2013, Katarína has been working at the Cesta domů hospice, where she cares for both pediatric and adult patients at the end of life, first as a doctor, and since 2022 as the medical director. Meeting dying patients and their families and working with the hospice team continues to be a source of fulfilment and enrichment for her. She began her professional career in 2004 with a short stint at Beroun Hospital, followed by an eight-year parental leave with her sons Matěj, Adam and Daniel. Katarína graduated from the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University. She is also engaged in lecturing and educational activities in the field of palliative medicine.
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Ladislav Sekerka
Ladislav Sekerka
Ladislav has been a partner at Consillium Family Office since 2016. Prior to that, he worked for over 12 years at the Swiss bank UBS (first in Vienna and then in Zurich), where he was responsible for the asset management of HNWI, UHNW and family offices in Central Europe. Ladislav is a graduate of Harvard Business School and holds two master’s degrees. One from the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in Brno, and another in economics from Brno University of Technology.
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Supervisory Board

Alan Rassaby
Alan Rassaby
He practiced law in Australia and the United States and was general counsel to four publicly traded companies. From 2013, he served as general counsel at Avast, until he retired in June 2020. Since then, he has been primarily involved in consulting, coaching and mentoring. Alan is a big supporter and promoter of the non-profit sector and has served on the boards of several non-profit organizations during his career. Until recently, he also served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Avast Foundation. Alan holds law degrees from the University of New South Wales in Sydney and the London School of Economics.
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Jan Žůrek
Jan Žůrek
He has been President of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development since 2016. He was one of the two founders of KPMG's Prague office and was its managing partner between 2010 and 2016. Currently, in addition to business projects, he is also involved in public benefit activities – a member of the board of trustees of Cesta domů and the economic council of the Archdiocese of Prague. In 2018, together with other investors, he founded the newspaper Deník N and today he is a member of the board of the Independent Press Foundation, which is behind Deník N. Jan holds a master’s degree from the University of Economics in Prague and his hobby is Czech history – he likes exploring the bright moments as well as its darker parts.
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Lubor Žalman
Lubor Žalman
He is a founding partner at EnCor Wealth Management. He returned to his roots in investment banking and he is currently building a unique investment boutique for HNWI clients. Prior to that, he was chairman of the board and CEO of Raiffeisenbank ČR, which he transformed from a marginal player to one of the five largest banks on the Czech market. He began his career at Komerční banka, and in five years, he worked his way up to the position of Senior Director of the Financial Markets Division. He also worked at McKinsey & Company for three years, where he advised on banking and insurance for Central and Eastern Europe. Lubor studied physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University.
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“We would like families to have a quality of life that is not only characterised by physical care, but also by a much more emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual care.”
Ivana Plechatá — CEO
Our Team

Ivana Dvořáková
Ivana Dvořáková
Having finished her degree at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University and having gathered experience cooperating with prominent Czech studios (e.g. Projektil), Ivana deepened her professional knowledge thanks to long-term stays abroad. She has a fine sense for detail and order, which she acquired during the years she spent working in Germany. During her stay in the Phillipines, she gained the crucial skills of improvisation and coping with stressful situations. She uses all of these to her advantage, for example in the preparation of the construction schedule and the architectural competition for Nová Cibulka and the design and reconstruction of the gardener's house.
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Kateřina Krapáčová
Kateřina Krapáčová
Kateřina joined the program team in January 2025. She studied social policy and social work at Charles University and worked in social services for several years. A pivotal moment for her was a nine-month volunteer placement in Istanbul, which directed her to work on international projects. Gradually she moved to managing humanitarian and development programmes, travelling with ADRA and People in Need to Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Haiti. She has been involved in civil society development, introducing field social work in excluded localities, reconstruction after natural disasters or providing humanitarian aid in areas affected by war.
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Petra Raušová
Petra Raušová
Petra has extensive experience in grant-making processes and strategic planning in non-profit sector institutions. At Nadace rozvoje občanské společnosti, she has been involved in managing a programme aimed at flexible and accessible funding for NGOs, strengthening the capacity of the non-profit sector and its contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. At the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, she was co-leader of a new government strategy focused on NGOs. She is currently undergoing self-development training and, together with a group of enthusiasts, is developing the physical potential of children in an athletics club.
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Lucie Černá
Lucie Černá
She has been the part of Foundation's team since spring 2024 and is in charge of research and education projects in the programme team. After studying sociology and public and social policy at Charles University in Prague, she worked at the Institute of Sociology and later used her experience as an analyst at a civil society organization, where she later served as strategic director. She appreciates being able to navigate through data and use her knowledge for useful projects.
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Eva Gurná
Eva Gurná
She joined the Foundation in autumn 2023 as a member of the communications team. She has been devoted the topic of palliative care for six years as head of the office and communications at the Palliative Care Centre. She studied journalism at Palackého Univerzita in Olomouc. During her studies, she focused on human rights issues and founded and coordinated a local Amnesty International group in Ostrava, where she comes from. Apart from her studies and work experience, she was most shaped by a nine-month trip through fourteen African countries in 2009.
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Josef Mališ
Josef Mališ
He holds the position of Medical Expert at the Foundation. He is a graduate of the former Faculty of Paediatric Medicine (now the 2nd Faculty of Medicine) of Charles University. His whole professional life has been focused on the care of sick children. First as a general paediatrician in a small hospital and as a district paediatrician, after his certification in paediatrics he started working at the Department of Paediatric Oncology (now the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology) of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital in Prague-Motol, at the same time he is involved in the undergraduate teaching of paediatric oncology to students of the medical faculties of the Charles University and in the postgraduate education of doctors in pre-testing. In paediatric oncology he deals with tumours affecting newborns, infants and toddlers, the so-called embryonal tumours. Due to the rarity of these tumours, participation in multinational studies is necessary, which allows modern treatment even in the conditions of our country.
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Barbora Červíčková
Barbora Červíčková
She has joined the Foundation as a Medical Expert to have the opportunity to contribute more to the development of children's palliative care in the Czech Republic. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové. She specializes in pediatrics and palliative medicine, both of which she is certified in. In addition to her work at the Foundation, she is the head doctor at the Veská Children's Centre, where she provides comprehensive care to children with serious chronic diseases and their families. She is also a leading physician and professional supervisor in the palliative care clinic of the Home Hospice of Guardian Angels in Holice. She shares her experience as a teacher at the Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Pardubice.
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Lenka Křenková
Lenka Křenková
Lenka is one of the Foundation’s fundraisers. She has gained work experience in hotel operations management and casino chain marketing. Having volunteered at a day care centre for the mentally disabled, she did not feel like working in the non-profit sector, however, she soon changed her mind and worked for four years at Centrum Paraple as a production manager and part of the PR and FR department. She was in charge of charity projects such as Běh and Virtuální běh pro Paraple, Stardance pro Paraple, Golf pro Paraple and the summer mini-festival Sejdeme se na zahradě. As she said, working for the Foundation is a dream come true, one that she had wished for for over a year.
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Iva Bartošová
Iva Bartošová
For more than fifteen years, Iva worked at Člověk v tísni (People in Need), where she was involved in many interesting projects, coordinating internships for Burmese activists, launching the project Promítej i ty!, and above all, as Executive Director, organizing the One World Festival, a part of which also took place at the European Parliament. As an interpreter, she travelled to mental institutions in Serbia and spent a few months on a mission in Afghanistan. In her spare time, she founded the world championship in making marinated Camembert-style cheese, a popular Czech bar snack.
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Míša Šimková
Míša Šimková
She became a member of the Foundation's team to work on communications, website copywriting and social media content. She has been a freelance copywriter for fifteen years, writes editorial texts, and was the editor-in-chief of the Pravý domácí magazine for two years. She expresses her creativity through photography and handcraft and is the founder of a jewellery project Macramenky.
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Veronika Hejzlarová
Veronika Hejzlarová
She has joined the Foundation's team to focus on the grantmaking process as part of the program team. She studied Occupational Therapy at the 1st LK Uk and then Management in Health and Social Organizations at FHS UK. After a stint at the not-for-profit company Asistence, where she ran a supported employment service, she moved to Byznys pro společnost, where she coordinated diversity activities to help set strategies and processes for employing disadvantaged groups of employees.
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Martin Hrnčiřík
Martin Hrnčiřík
Martin is in charge of finance and is responsible for the operation of the Foundation. Until 2022, he worked as a finance and administration director in ČEZ Group companies. He gained experience in financial management in the international IT environment when he worked at Electronic Arts as CFO for the CEE region. He has also devoted part of his professional life to finance in the insurance sector at Allianz and Credendo. Martin was born in Liberec and graduated from the University of Economics in Prague.
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Kamila Lukášková
Kamila Lukášková
Kamila has been working as an HR specialist in the IT industry for 15 years, most recently as Head of HR at Avast, where she was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Avast Foundation. She then moved to the non-profit sector, where she worked for 4 years on the STK pro chlapy project, which focused on male cancer prevention. At the same time, she completed a 5-year psychotherapeutic training in systemic therapy. She has her own psychotherapy practice and helps the foundation with its staffing and training needs.
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Jana Havlenová
Jana Havlenová
Jana has a long-standing interest in philanthropy and has been involved in fundraising since 2008. She built and managed the communications and giving team at the Sue Ryder Home. As a mentor, she passes on her experience to leaders of various civil society organizations.
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Mirek Čepický
Mirek Čepický
Since the start of the Foundation, Mirek has been in charge of communication and events for the public. Until 2015, he worked as Vodafone's Director of Communications, and subsequently, through his PR agency, he helped dozens of companies and non-profit organizations with internal and external communication. After graduating from the University of Economics in Prague in 2003, he worked for several years as a reporter at Hospodářské noviny and Aktuálně.cz. He still writes occasionally, and in 2021 he completed a book called Gramofonka, which takes a look at the world's largest vinyl records producer.
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František Brychta
František Brychta
František Brychta is an architect. He has been involved in the construction of several beautiful and award-winning buildings in various parts of the Czech Republic – Café Fara, the church in Sazovice or the Inner Landscape Villa, to name but a few. As the project manager of Cibulka, he oversees all the construction and architectural work on the estate. He also designed the new look of the Cibulka estate and will manage the reconstruction of the gardener's house.
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Míša Střelcová
Míša Střelcová
She is responsible for the administration of the Foundation’s CRM system, which connects the data, applications and documents the organisation works with. She has been working in the field of mass data processing ever since she graduated from the Czech Technical University. The only thing that changed over time is the type of data she managed – she started with geodetic and traffic data, but in recent years, she has been focusing on data from non-profit organizations. In addition to the Foundation, she works at Sue Ryder and occasionally for other non-profit organizations.
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Jana Krákorová
Jana Krákorová
She became the head of the Foundation's office in 2021. Prior to that, she worked for nearly ten years, taking a break for two parental leaves, in the Commercial Department of the British Embassy in Prague. In 2009, she was part of the team that organised the first Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. Jana comes from Jeseník and studied political science at Palacký University in Olomouc.
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Ivana Plechatá
Ivana Plechatá
In July 2021, she became the Director of the Foundation. Between 1998 and 2006, she ran the Sue Ryder Home whose early stages were similar to the story of the Cibulka homestead. Until 2011, she was in charge of Sue Ryder International, spearheading projects in Europe and Africa. She has experience in negotiations at the international level, but also in Czech politics as she was a Member of Parliament and a member of the parliamentary Health and Social Policy Committee in the 1990s. She is active in patient support organisations.
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Ivana Plechatá
Ivana Plechatá
In July 2021, she became the Director of the Foundation. Between 1998 and 2006, she ran the Sue Ryder Home whose early stages were similar to the story of the Cibulka homestead. Until 2011, she was in charge of Sue Ryder International, spearheading projects in Europe and Africa. She has experience in negotiations at the international level, but also in Czech politics as she was a Member of Parliament and a member of the parliamentary Health and Social Policy Committee in the 1990s. She is active in patient support organisations.
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Jana Krákorová
Jana Krákorová
She became the head of the Foundation's office in 2021. Prior to that, she worked for nearly ten years, taking a break for two parental leaves, in the Commercial Department of the British Embassy in Prague. In 2009, she was part of the team that organised the first Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. Jana comes from Jeseník and studied political science at Palacký University in Olomouc.
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Míša Střelcová
Míša Střelcová
She is responsible for the administration of the Foundation’s CRM system, which connects the data, applications and documents the organisation works with. She has been working in the field of mass data processing ever since she graduated from the Czech Technical University. The only thing that changed over time is the type of data she managed – she started with geodetic and traffic data, but in recent years, she has been focusing on data from non-profit organizations. In addition to the Foundation, she works at Sue Ryder and occasionally for other non-profit organizations.
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František Brychta
František Brychta
František Brychta is an architect. He has been involved in the construction of several beautiful and award-winning buildings in various parts of the Czech Republic – Café Fara, the church in Sazovice or the Inner Landscape Villa, to name but a few. As the project manager of Cibulka, he oversees all the construction and architectural work on the estate. He also designed the new look of the Cibulka estate and will manage the reconstruction of the gardener's house.
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Mirek Čepický
Mirek Čepický
Since the start of the Foundation, Mirek has been in charge of communication and events for the public. Until 2015, he worked as Vodafone's Director of Communications, and subsequently, through his PR agency, he helped dozens of companies and non-profit organizations with internal and external communication. After graduating from the University of Economics in Prague in 2003, he worked for several years as a reporter at Hospodářské noviny and Aktuálně.cz. He still writes occasionally, and in 2021 he completed a book called Gramofonka, which takes a look at the world's largest vinyl records producer.
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Jana Havlenová
Jana Havlenová
Jana has a long-standing interest in philanthropy and has been involved in fundraising since 2008. She built and managed the communications and giving team at the Sue Ryder Home. As a mentor, she passes on her experience to leaders of various civil society organizations.
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Kamila Lukášková
Kamila Lukášková
Kamila has been working as an HR specialist in the IT industry for 15 years, most recently as Head of HR at Avast, where she was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Avast Foundation. She then moved to the non-profit sector, where she worked for 4 years on the STK pro chlapy project, which focused on male cancer prevention. At the same time, she completed a 5-year psychotherapeutic training in systemic therapy. She has her own psychotherapy practice and helps the foundation with its staffing and training needs.
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Martin Hrnčiřík
Martin Hrnčiřík
Martin is in charge of finance and is responsible for the operation of the Foundation. Until 2022, he worked as a finance and administration director in ČEZ Group companies. He gained experience in financial management in the international IT environment when he worked at Electronic Arts as CFO for the CEE region. He has also devoted part of his professional life to finance in the insurance sector at Allianz and Credendo. Martin was born in Liberec and graduated from the University of Economics in Prague.
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Veronika Hejzlarová
Veronika Hejzlarová
She has joined the Foundation's team to focus on the grantmaking process as part of the program team. She studied Occupational Therapy at the 1st LK Uk and then Management in Health and Social Organizations at FHS UK. After a stint at the not-for-profit company Asistence, where she ran a supported employment service, she moved to Byznys pro společnost, where she coordinated diversity activities to help set strategies and processes for employing disadvantaged groups of employees.
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Míša Šimková
Míša Šimková
She became a member of the Foundation's team to work on communications, website copywriting and social media content. She has been a freelance copywriter for fifteen years, writes editorial texts, and was the editor-in-chief of the Pravý domácí magazine for two years. She expresses her creativity through photography and handcraft and is the founder of a jewellery project Macramenky.
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Iva Bartošová
Iva Bartošová
For more than fifteen years, Iva worked at Člověk v tísni (People in Need), where she was involved in many interesting projects, coordinating internships for Burmese activists, launching the project Promítej i ty!, and above all, as Executive Director, organizing the One World Festival, a part of which also took place at the European Parliament. As an interpreter, she travelled to mental institutions in Serbia and spent a few months on a mission in Afghanistan. In her spare time, she founded the world championship in making marinated Camembert-style cheese, a popular Czech bar snack.
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Lenka Křenková
Lenka Křenková
Lenka is one of the Foundation’s fundraisers. She has gained work experience in hotel operations management and casino chain marketing. Having volunteered at a day care centre for the mentally disabled, she did not feel like working in the non-profit sector, however, she soon changed her mind and worked for four years at Centrum Paraple as a production manager and part of the PR and FR department. She was in charge of charity projects such as Běh and Virtuální běh pro Paraple, Stardance pro Paraple, Golf pro Paraple and the summer mini-festival Sejdeme se na zahradě. As she said, working for the Foundation is a dream come true, one that she had wished for for over a year.
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Barbora Červíčková
Barbora Červíčková
She has joined the Foundation as a Medical Expert to have the opportunity to contribute more to the development of children's palliative care in the Czech Republic. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové. She specializes in pediatrics and palliative medicine, both of which she is certified in. In addition to her work at the Foundation, she is the head doctor at the Veská Children's Centre, where she provides comprehensive care to children with serious chronic diseases and their families. She is also a leading physician and professional supervisor in the palliative care clinic of the Home Hospice of Guardian Angels in Holice. She shares her experience as a teacher at the Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Pardubice.
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Josef Mališ
Josef Mališ
He holds the position of Medical Expert at the Foundation. He is a graduate of the former Faculty of Paediatric Medicine (now the 2nd Faculty of Medicine) of Charles University. His whole professional life has been focused on the care of sick children. First as a general paediatrician in a small hospital and as a district paediatrician, after his certification in paediatrics he started working at the Department of Paediatric Oncology (now the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology) of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital in Prague-Motol, at the same time he is involved in the undergraduate teaching of paediatric oncology to students of the medical faculties of the Charles University and in the postgraduate education of doctors in pre-testing. In paediatric oncology he deals with tumours affecting newborns, infants and toddlers, the so-called embryonal tumours. Due to the rarity of these tumours, participation in multinational studies is necessary, which allows modern treatment even in the conditions of our country.
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Eva Gurná
Eva Gurná
She joined the Foundation in autumn 2023 as a member of the communications team. She has been devoted the topic of palliative care for six years as head of the office and communications at the Palliative Care Centre. She studied journalism at Palackého Univerzita in Olomouc. During her studies, she focused on human rights issues and founded and coordinated a local Amnesty International group in Ostrava, where she comes from. Apart from her studies and work experience, she was most shaped by a nine-month trip through fourteen African countries in 2009.
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Petra Raušová
Petra Raušová
Petra has extensive experience in grant-making processes and strategic planning in non-profit sector institutions. At Nadace rozvoje občanské společnosti, she has been involved in managing a programme aimed at flexible and accessible funding for NGOs, strengthening the capacity of the non-profit sector and its contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. At the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, she was co-leader of a new government strategy focused on NGOs. She is currently undergoing self-development training and, together with a group of enthusiasts, is developing the physical potential of children in an athletics club.
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Lucie Černá
Lucie Černá
She has been the part of Foundation's team since spring 2024 and is in charge of research and education projects in the programme team. After studying sociology and public and social policy at Charles University in Prague, she worked at the Institute of Sociology and later used her experience as an analyst at a civil society organization, where she later served as strategic director. She appreciates being able to navigate through data and use her knowledge for useful projects.
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Kateřina Krapáčová
Kateřina Krapáčová
Kateřina joined the program team in January 2025. She studied social policy and social work at Charles University and worked in social services for several years. A pivotal moment for her was a nine-month volunteer placement in Istanbul, which directed her to work on international projects. Gradually she moved to managing humanitarian and development programmes, travelling with ADRA and People in Need to Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Haiti. She has been involved in civil society development, introducing field social work in excluded localities, reconstruction after natural disasters or providing humanitarian aid in areas affected by war.
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Ivana Dvořáková
Ivana Dvořáková
Having finished her degree at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University and having gathered experience cooperating with prominent Czech studios (e.g. Projektil), Ivana deepened her professional knowledge thanks to long-term stays abroad. She has a fine sense for detail and order, which she acquired during the years she spent working in Germany. During her stay in the Phillipines, she gained the crucial skills of improvisation and coping with stressful situations. She uses all of these to her advantage, for example in the preparation of the construction schedule and the architectural competition for Nová Cibulka and the design and reconstruction of the gardener's house.
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Children’s Hospice Cibulka
The Foundation is building a Pediatric Palliative Care Centre with an inpatient hospice in Prague’s Cibulka. From 2026, we plan to provide respite care services for families with seriously ill children and to run a multifunctional training centre for students and professionals focusing on pediatric palliative care. In 2023, we plan to open a café in the gardener’s cottage.
We recognize that we have a challenging road ahead of us and can only be successful if we listen and collaborate with experts in paediatric palliative care and philanthropy. We appreciate all partners, experts, volunteers, and families who have experienced the loss of a child.
Nadácia Pontis (SK)
Česká společnost paliativní medicíny
Odborná společnost praktických dětských lékařů
Česká asociace pro vzácná onemocnění
Demelza (UK)
Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrucke (D)
Löwenherz (D)
Sterntalerhof (AT)
… and many other organisations and care providers
Join Us
Has the topic of pediatric palliative care made an impression on you? Would you like to become one of our partners, colleagues or volunteers? Let us know via our form or connect with us on LinkedIn. We look forward to hearing from you!

Support projects and improve the lives of families in the most difficult life situations
Our aim is to enable families to fulfill their individual needs and ensure the availability of services in all regions at a top level. By making a regular contribution, you too can help sick children, their parents and siblings to experience as much joy as possible in safety and security. All donations mean better care for those who need it, they are not used for the operation of the Foundation.