(English version below)
V souvislosti s přípravou rekonstrukce usedlosti Cibulka máme dobrou zprávu. V průběhu následujících 14 dnů vypíšeme architektonickou soutěž, na jejímž základě vybereme nejlepší návrh na budoucí podobu a využití usedlosti. Soutěž bude veřejná a neanonymní.
Pokud máte zájem o zaslání informací o soutěži v den jejího zahájení, napište nám na mail archisoutez@novacibulka.cz.

We are going to announce an architectural competition for the future design of the Cibulka estate.
We have good news in the connection with the preparation of the Cibulka estate reconstruction. Within the next 14 days we will launch an architectural competition to select the best design for the future appearance and use of the estate. The competition will be public and non-anonymous.
If you are interested in receiving information about the competition on the day it launches, please email us at archisoutez@novacibulka.cz.
All the project documentation needs to be submitted to the Czech building regulatory authorities and therefore this requires to be completed strictly in Czech or Slovak language and in compliance with the General construction law of Czech Republic.
There will be no formal limitation on the nationality of the participants, however due to reasons mentioned above, for the international participants it is required to have accredited Czech partner or Czech architect in team.