A legacy that will endure
You don’t have to donate and help only during your lifetime, but also after it

Each person can decide during his or her lifetime how his or her property will be dealt with after his or her passing and take legal action in this regard. Making a will is a practical decision that is not related to the proximity of your passing, but allows you to provide for your family and loved ones, and perhaps help someone else in time when you are no longer here. Many people don’t realise that they can support a charitable organisation with even a small part of their will and continue to help others through their legacy.
Anyone can make their own will, but as it needs to contain all the legal requirements, it is always better to consult a notary public.
If you decide to include in your will to help seriously ill children through a bequest to the Vlcek Family Foundation , you must include the exact name and identifying information of our Foundation so that your intention can be clearly completed by the notary after your death:
Nadace rodiny Vlčkových,
Tylovo náměstí 699/1, 120 00 Prague 2
IČO: 106 60 941
Although a will is a very personal document, you should tell your family and friends about your intention. They won’t be surprised by your decision later on, and at the same time, your action may inspire them to take a similar step now. We will be glad if you tell us about your intention. Together we can discuss your specific idea of how best to carry out your will.
Thank you for being with us in this!